Glo 0.0kobo unlimited free browsing
is now very fast and stable with the latest modded Psiphon handler called
QueenCee VPN, In my area we don't have good network for Glo so i am not
enjoying this glo unlimited free browsing for more than a month. But now am
rocking Glo unlimited free in my are using QueenCee VPN without any
disconnecting and is very stable and the speed is very okay for me.
So i decide to share this New vpn to those that are having unstable connection with Glo network like me so that they can also enjoy Glo Unlimited Free Browsing too.
Kindly download QueenCee VPN now and start rocking your Glo 0.0kobo unlimited free browsing now because it's what i am currently using now and is very stable in my area with high speed.
Where To Download QueenCee VPN
=>Click HERE to download and install QueenCee VPN on your android device.
=>Set your mobile APN as Glosecure or Gloflat
Then configure it as shown in the images below: Enjoy while it lasts..